Recruitment Fair 2024

Futures Recruitment Fair 2023

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How to implement a talent management strategy

If your company is having problems recruiting and retaining the right people a talent management strategy may be just what you need to strengthen your current and future workforce. Read on to find out where to start. Read more

Succession Planning: 4 reasons why your company needs to adopt it

Succession planning is essential for your business to be able to run effectively when key members of staff are promoted, retire or move on for other reasons.

Identifying which of your key employees will step into leadership, senior management and/or business critical roles is therefore essential for maintaining businesses continuity. But there are other benefits too. Read on to find out what they are. Read more

What employees really want from their employer (and how this knowledge could help you recruit and retain the right staff)

Most companies will have first-hand experience of how difficult it can be to find the right people with the right skills at the right time. Recruiting new staff can certainly be a minefield, but holding on to good employees can be equally challenging, particularly in a highly competitive labour market. So understanding what motivates employees (and, indeed, potential employees) could prove vital in gaining that all important competitive edge when it comes to recruiting and retaining staff.  Read more

Recruitment Essentials

Effective recruitment is vital for every business, but it’s a process many companies struggle with.  Here’s a short overview of the essential stages of the recruitment process to help you get started. Read more

Recruitment – the ever changing market

Knowing the ‘recruitment essentials’ is vital for any business looking to bring new talent into their organisation, but anticipating and preparing for future recruitment trends can give companies that all-important competitive edge. Our Workforce Adviser, Zoe Williams, has been looking into the changing recruitment landscape so read on to learn more and find out how Better Jobs, Better Futures can help you stay ahead of the game when recruiting new talent into your business. Read more

Improving gender equality in the workplace: 6 quick hints and tips

Is your workforce as gender-equal as it could be? If not, you could be missing out on the many benefits associated with improving gender equality in the workplace, some of which may be less obvious than others. As well as harnessing the potential wealth of untapped female talent in your business, companies who demonstrate equal and fair practices across their organisation can significantly improve employee morale and commitment, which not only impacts positively on organisational culture and attitudes within the workforce but can also be a huge attraction to customers and other stakeholders. Increased flexibility for both men and women in the workplace could also bring benefits in terms of improvements in quality and productivity. Read more