Entries by Simon James

Interview basics

You’ve done it; you’ve secured yourself an interview! Now it’s time to make sure you do everything possible to get yourself the job.

Smarter Job Search

We’ve all been there, trawling numerous job search engines that claim they are your ‘answer to getting hired’. You’ve found the perfect job, have uploaded your latest and greatest tailored CV and clicked that ‘apply now’ button, only to get no response. What if we told you there was a smarter way to job search?

How to implement a talent management strategy

If your company is having problems recruiting and retaining the right people a talent management strategy may be just what you need to strengthen your current and future workforce. Read on to find out where to start.

Succession Planning: 4 reasons why your company needs to adopt it

Succession planning is essential for your business to be able to run effectively when key members of staff are promoted, retire or move on for other reasons. Identifying which of your key employees will step into leadership, senior management and/or business critical roles is therefore essential for maintaining businesses continuity. But there are other benefits […]

Recruitment Essentials

Effective recruitment is vital for every business, but it’s a process many companies struggle with.  Here’s a short overview of the essential stages of the recruitment process to help you get started.

3 ways Better Jobs, Better Futures can help businesses across Swansea

Better Jobs, Better Futures is a brand new programme from Gower College Swansea aimed at supporting businesses to recruit, retain and progress their staff. We work with businesses who employ people from Swansea and the surrounding areas to deliver a wide range of support aimed at enhancing employee engagement and improving workplace planning, progression and […]