
Rebecca was a student at Gower College Swansea studying A’ levels alongside a Level 3 AAT course when she came to Better Jobs, Better Futures, with the aim of becoming an Accountant in the future. Rebecca had previously worked as a waitress at a local hotel however she had struggled to find support to improve the employability skills needed to pursue her chosen career.

Rebecca applied to join the ‘Futures Academy’ at the college: a programme designed to develop an individual employment pathway for students seeking to progress straight into employment or an apprenticeship on completion of their A level studies. Students were given information on the current and future labour market, and different employment routeways, with input from guest speakers and leading employers. They were also supported through a range of group and one-to-one activities to draft CV’s and job applications, and to prepare for interviews, as well as gaining a greater understanding of the world of work.

Rebecca wanted to use her time in the Academy to build her confidence in communicating effectively and professionally with people at interview and to receive support in applying for jobs that involved more complex applications. Rebecca worked with Career Coaches Emma and David to gain the support she needed, attending over eight hours of intensive coaching, which included creating and updating her CV, completing a variety of applications, perfecting her cover letter and improving her interview techniques.

“I was really excited about joining the academy as it offered all the support that I was looking for. I knew Emma and David could help me get to the next stage in my career and I am so grateful for all of their help and advice” – Rebecca

Rebecca’s qualities were quickly recognised by various local employers and she did fantastically well to gain interviews with two major local companies. In order to prepare successfully for the upcoming interviews, Rebecca spent a significant amount of time practicing questions and answers with Emma and David, building her confidence and competence in interview scenarios.

“It was obvious from day one that Rebecca was going to be a very sought after candidate. She had all the attributes that potential employers look for in an employee and I was excited to help her take the first vital steps on her career journey” – Emma

Rebecca performed exceptionally well in both of her interviews and as a result, she was offered opportunities with both employers. After careful consideration of her options, Rebecca chose to accept an offer from Morgan Hemp Accountants.

Rebecca’s success is testament to her determined attitude and fantastic work ethic, and she is a great example for other young people who are taking the first vital steps on their chosen career paths.

I can’t believe I received offers from both employers and it made me feel so positive. I wouldn’t have been able to do so well without the help of the BJBF programme and it allowed me to make the transition between college and employment so easily. I can’t wait to see what the future holds and I feel really excited about what is to come in my career!” – Rebecca